Voices of San Quentin: The inside story of how a prison became the nation's biggest COVID cluster
Title (Dublin Core)
Voices of San Quentin: The inside story of how a prison became the nation's biggest COVID cluster
Description (Dublin Core)
This article was co written by Popular Information and Voices of San Quentin. It explains how a major California state prison managed to stave off covid-19 until inmates from another prison were transferred into the facility. . . and they were carrying covid, what they did to deal with the outbreak, and how it effected incarcerated persons.
incarceration, prison, San Quentin, San Francisco Bay Area, transfer, outbreak
Date (Dublin Core)
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Event Identifier (Dublin Core)
Partner (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
article with video
Link (Bibliographic Ontology)
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Popular Information
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
San Fransisco Bay Area
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
This item was submitted on August 26, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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