
Thank You Mr. President

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Thank You Mr. President

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As a teacher I have witnessed quite a large debate playing out at school board meetings, over social media, and across the dinner table about whether or not schools should reopen for the fall semester. Perhaps one of the most compelling arguments I have seen is this recent tweet from President Trump. This description is very much full of sarcasm. Please, for the love of all humanity, consider the common good. Teachers want to go back to school but we want to do it safely. For right now, we need to be ok with teaching online. It's not ideal but we can make it work.
HST580, ASU, Covidteaches, Trump, schools, reopening

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A paper heart that is taped to the inside of a front door that says: Wash UR HANDS PLS"I prefer my Corona in a bottle." Link Image

This item was submitted on August 5, 2020 by Morgan Keena using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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