
" Tired of Homeschooling? Betsy DeVos Suggests Letting Your Kid Die"

Title (Dublin Core)

" Tired of Homeschooling? Betsy DeVos Suggests Letting Your Kid Die"

Description (Dublin Core)

As the United States continues to experience record breaking numbers of new coronavirus cases, the Trump Administration is pushing for schools to reopen. Reductress, a feminist satire news website, offers a dark humor take on the push to reopen schools. In this satirical article, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is fictitiously quoted as saying "I don’t want you to think we’re going to lose all the kids, or that I don’t care about kids dying. I just think over 14,000 kids dying isn’t that big of a deal, and on the bright side that’s like 28,000 parents who no longer have to deal with homeschooling!” Relying on morbid humor, this article underscores the fear that reopening schools will lead to mass illness, hospitalization, and death.

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English Deathways

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This item was submitted on July 14, 2020 by Carolyn Evans using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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