
Some inmates at California state prisons eligible for early release to stem coronavirus spread

Title (Dublin Core)

Some inmates at California state prisons eligible for early release to stem coronavirus spread

Description (Dublin Core)

In an effort to slow the spread of covid-19 in prisons and jails across the country some inmates are being released early. The public has had mixed reactions to this plan. Some support the measure because they don't want inmates sentences to turn into a death sentence from the virus and others are concerned the inmates released early are potentially harmful to public safety.
California has already released inmates early and plans to release more on July 1st. This article goes over some of the details.
California, prison, jail, inmate, incarceration, early release, decarceration, government

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Orange County Register

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This item was submitted on June 27, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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