
California’s Racial Justice Crisis is COVID-19 in Prisons

Title (Dublin Core)

California’s Racial Justice Crisis is COVID-19 in Prisons

Description (Dublin Core)

This article, written by three University of California professors, highlights the racial justice crisis inside US prisons. Due to their architecture and systems corrections facilities find it nearly impossible to keep covid-19 out or slow the spread of the disease. In California the incarcerated populations rate of covid is 650 percent higher than that of the general population of the state. Once introduced into a facility covid spreads rapidly due to overcrowding, lack of ability to social distance, and a shortage of soap and other cleaning supplies. While many people in the general public feel that inmates chose to commit a crime and therefor should do their time others argue that they should not be made to die for their crimes due to covid.
racial justice, social justice, incarceration, prison, jail, social distance, California, shortage, cleaning, pubic health, overcrowded, death sentence

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Social Justice

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This item was submitted on June 25, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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