
Virtual Girl Scout Meeting


Title (Dublin Core)

Virtual Girl Scout Meeting

Description (Dublin Core)

When the stay at home order was called in California, our Brownie Troop was planning for an overnight experience that weekend that had to be cancelled. Then our local Girl Scout council announced the closure of all activities through the rest of March. As the weeks progressed and it became clear all of planned activities would be postponed, we switched to a virtual platform as an experiment. During our first meeting, we just played games over Zoom, because we weren't sure how valuable and fun it would be virtually, but were pleasantly surprised how much the girls liked it. Over Mother's Day weekend, we held a virtual meeting where we had the girls make a COVID-19 virtual capsule, as well as make a Mother's Day craft for an important woman in their lives. We dropped off the supplies to each girls' house (no contact) and facilitated making the craft over zoom.

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Photograph & Video

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Girl Scout
virtual meeting
Mother's Day

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This item was submitted on June 1, 2020 by Kathryn Jue using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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