
Local Actors Disagree on Safety of Return To The Theatre

Title (Dublin Core)

Local Actors Disagree on Safety of Return To The Theatre

Description (Dublin Core)

Local actors are very cautious about returning to the theatre and resuming rehearsals/productions. This particular post shows the distrust of public and civic officials as they are contradicting the data provided. Some are turning against each other because of the differences of opinion and fears based in the conflicting data. Actors have been hit hard by the Pandemic and want to get back to work. Others are more cautious, arguing that the safety of others is more important.
#Actors, #ActorsStillFeelUnsafe, #PerformersAreDivided

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Screenshot from Facebook Post

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Collection (Dublin Core)

Performing Arts

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Item sets

This item was submitted on May 30, 2020 by J. Michael Bailey, #ASU, #HST580 using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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