Judge orders halt to Tooele County protest concert, and organizers vow to find other last-minute venue
Title (Dublin Core)
Judge orders halt to Tooele County protest concert, and organizers vow to find other last-minute venue
Description (Dublin Core)
This is happening in my county, which is primarily white. Residents are upset because the Tooele Health Department issued an order warning residents not to attend a local concert that was being planned in accordance with social distancing measures instituted by the Utah state government. Juxtaposing this with the issues marginalized communities are facing during the pandemic really highlights the issues at stake here for different people. People in an overwhelmingly white community are protesting the right to attend a concert during a pandemic, while black Americans are protesting for their right to live. This is a fascinating juxtaposition that really demonstrates the epitome of white privilege.
Date (Dublin Core)
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Type (Dublin Core)
Article: The Salt Lake Tribune
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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Social Justice
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This item was submitted on May 30, 2020 by Lawson Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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