
Movie Characters Quarantine Style

Title (Dublin Core)

Movie Characters Quarantine Style

Description (Dublin Core)

These screenshots were taken from a public Twitter account. The pictures are chalk drawings of Disney princesses and use lines that are similar to what was found in the original movies but replaced with quarantine items. I chose to contribute these because I think they'll be a great resource to use with middle school students in the future. Much like we use a lot of propaganda from WWII to teach students about life in the U.S. and Europe during WWII I would imagine these would be quite useful in explaining just how all-encompassing the COVID-19 pandemic is.

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Twitter screenshots

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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

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Lyn Ribisi
Changed publisher to Instagram instead of Twitter. Inserted hyperlinks. Standard curatorial changes. 06/10/2020

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A paper heart that is taped to the inside of a front door that says: Wash UR HANDS PLS"I prefer my Corona in a bottle." Link Image

This item was submitted on May 30, 2020 by Morgan Keena using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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