
"YIKES. Tag your school.": A Meme of Grad Student Frustration

Title (Dublin Core)

"YIKES. Tag your school.": A Meme of Grad Student Frustration

Description (Dublin Core)

This meme features four frames. The first frame shows a hand sticking out of the water, clearly drowning, with the text "Grad students with rapidly dwindling financial + professional prospects." In the next frame, a second hand appears to be reaching toward the drowning hand. This hand is labeled "Universities with multi-billion-dollar endowments." In the third frame, rather than the extended hand pulling the drowning hand to safety, it instead offers a high-five. The superimposed text over the image reads "Productivity workshops + 'We're all in this together' emails." In the final image, the extended hand has pulled back, leaving the original hand to drown.

This meme reflects the anxieties and frustrations many graduate students may feel with their universities during the crisis.

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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Collection (Dublin Core)

College COVID Stories

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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Original Format (Omeka Classic)


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