
Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law announces they will accept applicants with no LSAT or GRE scores due to Covid-19

Title (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law announces they will accept applicants with no LSAT or GRE scores due to Covid-19

Description (Dublin Core)

Law students from Arizona State University will be accepted students without the LSAT or GRE scores during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Arizona State University

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

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Collection (Dublin Core)

College COVID Stories

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Text (Omeka Classic)

Graduate schools across the country are thinking of ways to adapt in the face of the pandemic. The GRE is being proctored from home for those who need it and with the future of the LSAT uncertain, universities are taking steps to avoid admissions barriers.

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