
A Very Covid Christmas!

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A Very Covid Christmas!

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it was December 2021, covid vaccines had come out earlier in the year and many people were excited to get it, while some were completely untrusting of them. My whole family was on board with vaccines and beleived that as the vaccines were becoming availabe to everybody, the worst of the pandemic was behind us. We needed a vaccine card in order to travel to England. We had been vaccinated and were willing to abide by the conditions for travel that the US and the UK had in place. The night before we were supposed to fly out to Enlgand, "Omicron" came out and we did not know what to do. If we didn't go we would lose thousands of dollars that were non refundable. If we went we were risking our health because, according to the reports, Omicron was a different, more potent strain that the vaccine did not cover. My family and I talked about it and made the decision that, so long as we used N95's, took precautions and were safe we would be ok. We did that, we traveled to England at the height of Omicron, we went for 4 days and even though the virus was potent, we were safe and had a great time. The masks actually helped in two ways, one: they kept us safe from the virus and two: they kept our face warm as it was about 30 degrees. We saw a lot of people in England that abided by the health mandates, everyone was respectful, it was a trip that we will never forget.

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Text story

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stay safe use precautions
Euro travels during covid
Arizona State University
Fall B Session 2024
History of Tourism

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This item was submitted on October 28, 2024 by Cesar J. Zavala using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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