Lonely Rest
Title (Dublin Core)
Lonely Rest
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To me, I have yet seen any changes in my life due to the pandemic. Before I have always been home and the only place I would leave my house for was school. The only thing that has change is waking up early and trying to get to school on time. Since the pandemic has closed school, I just needed to wake up and join the zoom call with one click of the button. When I do go outside, I have to wear a mask and sometimes I do forget but It hasn't bothered me since the places I go are near by and it didn't take much to go back to my house. This picture is important to me as is really describes how my experience of the pandemic has been. Lazy and tired are two words that describes how I been feeling throughout this pandemic.
A blanket
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text story
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This item was submitted on January 20, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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