
Post on Covid-19 and Interactives


Title (Dublin Core)

Post on Covid-19 and Interactives

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From Emma Rocha, Curatorial Assistant at the New Bedford Whaling Museum: "I’m currently taking Introduction to Museum Studies at Harvard Extension School as the first of two classes I need to take before I can apply to their museum studies graduate program. I chose this program because it is almost entirely online and I can take one class a semester which enables me to keep working full time – I wouldn’t be able to pay for the classes otherwise. I am very lucky that I chose an online program because it has not been disrupted by Covid-19. One of my closest friends recently got accepted into law school (I’m so proud of her!) and she is still waiting to find out if she will be starting fall semester on campus or online, which is quite stressful for her. The class I am taking has a few participation elements, which are attending and participating in the optional online sections via Zoom (optional because they know some students are in different time zones) and posting on the classes social media platform, called YellowDig. I posted this on YellowDig because it fits in with the variety of posts we can make: comments or questions on readings, articles about happenings in the museum field, and thoughts on museums we work at or have visited. I really enjoy reading what my classmates are thinking about, because they have so many varied perspectives on museums and it is all fascinating!"

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Greater Boston
COVID museum
New Bedford Whaling Museum
visitor experience
museum education

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This item was submitted on July 24, 2020 by Grace Woodward using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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