
Coronovirus Conspiracies


Title (Dublin Core)

Coronovirus Conspiracies

Description (Dublin Core)

There are many conspiracy theories circulating about COVID-19. Some of them are downright ridiculous, some are scary if you start to think about them seriously.
This article tries to make sense out of why these explanations are being propagated.
There are mainly two branches: One that doubts the virus's severity and the other main one that it was released as a biological weapon.
hoax, conspiracytheory, molepeople, virus, bioweapon, Wuhan, isolation, anxiety, powerlessness, urbanlegend, deepstate

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news article

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The Atlantic

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This item was submitted on July 8, 2020 by Lyn Ribisi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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