
Pets Have Conference about Owners Being Home all Day

Title (Dublin Core)

Pets Have Conference about Owners Being Home all Day

Description (Dublin Core)

The New Yorker has been consistantly running their famous cartoons. The recent ones have dealt with the issues we are facing now with coronavirus: quarantine, business closures, home schooling, remote working, etc.
This one shows the local pets having a meeting about the quarantine situation. The dogs are pleased, but the cats are not and they ask why their "department" wasn't consulted before the owners stayed home all day.
The New Yorker magazine
quarantine, pets, animals, humor, meeting, ownersathome, meeting

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Cartoon drawing

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This item was submitted on July 8, 2020 by Lyn Ribisi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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