Annual Teachers' Performance: Don't Stop Believin' - Canterbur Edition
Title (Dublin Core)
Annual Teachers' Performance: Don't Stop Believin' - Canterbur Edition
Description (Dublin Core)
Every year, during the Christmas and end-of the-year "blockbuster" (talent show) assemblies, the entirety of the staff at Canterbury High School put on a song and dance. With schools closed this year they took it online and created video of them in their homes dedicated to the students and graduating class in particular. In choosing the song Don't Stop Believin' they shared a sentiment of hope and understand during a stressful time for students. They also made some inside references in the way they changed the words from the original song: the O-train is notoriously inconsistent and often does not run, hence going nowhere (on top of going nowhere because of restrictions due to the pandemic.)
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Allison Blakley
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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This item was submitted on June 18, 2020 by Hope Gresser using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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