Life carries on
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Life carries on
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2020 has been a constant spiral downward since the beginning of the year and now has reached a new low with the outbreak of the corona virus. It has hindered our ability to get together and finish off the school year forcing us apart to complete it online. A time for celebration ruined as we were nearing the end of the school year and the class of 2020 missing out on there most important event of the school; graduation as it signifys there moving on up in life. The photograph represents the tracking of cases which is just getting higher and higher as it continues to spread causing the closure of public spaces. So far this year has been tragic and we have all lost things and the road to recovery is still a ways ahead so we must continue to move forward.
I couldn't find the original creator of the picture but it was used as a background image of a news channel
Photograph that I found online about the corona virus
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This item was submitted on June 12, 2020 by Christopher Flores using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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